I am researching the Origins of Ritual Arts,the mythical roots of dance theatre, as well as the construction / deconstruction of cultural identity through performance.
I am visualizing an empathic relationship towards “Nature” while questioning the solidity of the boundaries between human beings, animals, trees, oceans and mountains.
After many years of Stage Performances as a professional Dancer in the field of Classical Indian Bharata natyam Dance (2000-2016), now I am shifting my focus on research work, experimental performances including Clarinet Playing and interactive Projects, like Workshops.
In this Videos I am thanking my body through Dance Performances (Improvisation as well as classical Indian Bharata natyam) for accompanying me all my life.
„Becoming an Indian Dancer“ is a documentation of my experiment of living in South India trying to adapt myself at the society there while I was studying classical Indian dance.
Empathy towards Nature I am exploring in my long-term-project „Dancing with Nature“.
The audiovisual Performance “Horror vacui” (Theater Eigenreich, Berlin 2009-10) brings on stage a research about the dissolution of boundaries: A Live-Fusion of Berlin Club Culture, interactive Video Projections, Classical Indian Dance, and Dance Improvisation.
Two Video Loops, 8 min and 5 min, Berlin 2017
Part I, Endeavor and attempt, 8 min, ”Hidden Thoughts”
I want to share the questions which I have raised silently during my stay now in this video, in combination with drawings and a documentary: Living together with a local family in Bangalore, South India, and studying classical Indian Bharata natyam Dance 2004 till 2005.
Part ll: Performing and Questioning, Berlin, 2009-2017. Excerpts of Performances, 5 min
THE PROJECT: In 2000, right after my Degree Show at Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, and also in 2002, 2004-05 I dedicated myself to intensive studies of classical Bharata natyam dance in India: I am exploring processes of transformation in archaic performance rituals, and Bharata natyam is closely related to ancient ceremonies in South India, deriving from 5000 year-old temple-rituals.
While pursuing this dance studies, I developed the wish to find out, how deeply I could merge with South Indian culture- could I take on another Identity as “Indian Dancer”, though I was brought up in Germany? Were these dance classes, my public performances and dance teachings, which I gave to Indian students there, a medium to integrate myself into Indian society? Though there was a huge gap between us, last but not least deriving from politics of colonization and great unbalance in today’s world? The Video are testimonials of this experimental approach.
Bharata natyam Dance Performance at Genova, Quarto Pianeta, 2017. With Thanks to Ella von der Haide, Camera.
Nature Conversations, 8 min, Corse / France, 2015
Berliner Baustellen Bharata natyam, 3 min, Berlin 2013/14
Is it possible today, to feel a non-hierarchic relationship towards “nature?”
Intimacy with nature as another way of being within my surrounding:
The surrounding is my dance partner, may it be the mountains of Corse, or Berlin’s Building sites.
Communicating through breathe, skin, movement and nonverbal vocalization with surrounding stones, trees, sky, concrete…
Video below: Dance Improvisation in Berlin City, according to the sounds of the Building Site, 2013-14
Fotos: Isabel Jaden, Carolina Goedeke, Yvonne Reittinger, if-land.de
Project: horror vacui
HORROR VACUI – Die Suche nach der Leere / Search for Emptiness
Choreography/ Performance: Carolin Goedeke
Interactive Video-Projections: Knud Strick-Schulz alias vitaminK+
Music: Frank Bogdanowitz alias Dr.Nojoke
„Horror vacui“ is an interactive audiovisual dance performance of ca. 30 minutes length about the dissolution of boundaries, which wants to make our ambivalent relationship to emptiness tangible.
Starting out from the idea of relating western club culture, digital media, classical Indian dance and dance improvisation, we find ourselves in a projection of our deepest inner longing for emptiness, vastness and fusion, and an accompanying fear of isolation, meaninglessness and the loss of our own identity. An audivisual performanc research!