Art and Music: Mozart Crystals

Painting/ Video and Live Music

“Mozart Crystals” is an interdisciplinary art project: Crystalline energy structures in music and painting.
Karina Stieren (violinist/shaman) and Carolina Goedeke (clarinetist/visual artist) share the music of W.A. Mozart in concerts in combination with the presentation of abstract watercolor artworks that visualize musical-harmonic energies.
The Music Duo performs Mozart, Bach, original compositions by Karina Stieren and free improvisations. All these experiences made as a musician are reflecting back on the creation of abstract paintings, so there is a continuous dialogue between visual arts and music which constantly fertilize each other.

Artworks: Waterolor/Acrylics on paper, some with gold leaves 22 Karat, each 40 x 50cm, 2022, Videostills

To purchase Artworks online, please click here:

Music Composition, Violin: Karina Stieren.
Painting, Video, Clarinet: Carolina Goedeke.
Genoa, Italy, 2022