Series of Paintings, Mixed Media, Watercolor and Gold Leaves 22 Karat on Cotton Paper
35 x 51 cm, 30 x 42 cm, 21 x 30 cm
2019, 2020, 2021
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This paintings, a combination of acrylic and watercolor with gold leaves 22 Karat, show detailed colorful patterns, created like a score: dynamic abstract elements which represent different points of view are finally connecting with each other as the result a meditative painting process.
These structures are referring to the artist’s perception of different energetic dynamics and emotional qualities that are forming communication between two persons.
While observing the flow of emotions with a meditation-like state of mind, and an intuitive way as well as express as systemizing them, the perception of a certain conflict is changing thanks to the abstraction during the creative process, and becomes finally more permeable, more open.
The artist establishes an „intuitive dialogue“ between the viewer and the artwork which allows the audience to be part of it, so that the painting reveals a subtle reference to performance art, as it involves the viewer in an intuitive and energetic way.